Leadership Expectations vs. Product Team Reality: The Product-Process Gap

McKinsey’s Product Operating Model Index recently found that the biggest gap in capabilities between the top and bottom-performing companies is in their product management practices, cross-team collaboration, and backlog prioritization. This is what I call the Product-Process Gap (PPG). It’s the gap between a company's potential or desired use of product management practices, approaches, and frameworks with reality
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Product Update: Experiment Health Score

The challenge with organizations trying to grow their experimentation program across the wider business is it faces an uphill challenge to get a disparate group of people to run experiments at the same level of quality. Often, there is no visibility of the quality of the experiments run. This is why created the Experiment Health Score.
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Five mistakes experimentation teams make when it comes to test documentation

Experimentation program documentation – the process from idea to result – are (or rather should be) a significant part of an organization’s experimentation program. It is something we at Effective Experiments have been talking about since our inception in 2014 when the idea of tracking experiments seemed like an alien…
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The Role of Leadership & Governance in Experimentation Programs

A hamster on a hamster wheel can run for long periods of time but at the end of the day, it doesn’t go anywhere beyond the confines of that place. Experimentation programs are stuck on their own kind of hamster wheel. They do good work and run lots of tests…
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Experimentation Ops™ – The next evolution of CRO

Once upon a time, business was easy. Anyone could win as long as they out-spent and out-marketed everyone in their field. But things don’t work like that anymore. And there’s only one thing now that separates the alphas from the rest of the pack. And that’s innovation. Whether an organization…
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How To Effectively Manage Your Backlog Of Ideas

Having a steady stream of ideas is important when running an experimentation program. But, a bloated backlog can cause problems for your experimentation program. We explore how to maintain your idea backlog properly.
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