Experimentation Ops™ Workflow, Insights & Intelligence

Run More Experiments.
Run Better Experiments

Effective Experiments helps your organization get better at experimentation.

Ideate, prioritise and plan in one place and let Effective Experiments show you where to improve. With clever automations, integrations with testing tools and intelligence, see why CROs & Experimentation teams choose us.

Generic Project Management Tools Won’t Help You Grow Testing

Generic project management tools will leave your organization with unreliable experiments and insights.

They may have features to input data and automate dashboards but they lack governance and guardrails to ensure that everything is done correctly and reliably.

Experimentation Leaders choose Effective Experiments to drive experimentation excellence in their organization as they scale.

Built For Experimentation Managers

Understand the performance of your teams easily

Help your practitioners work seamlessly in a single centralized platform built for experimentation and get a clear picture of the quality of their testing and ways to improve them.

Automated data integrity checks and alerts helps you build a more reliable scalable experimentation setup.

Replaces these tools

experiment health scores

Built For Decision Makers

Align Experimentation With Business Goals & Objectives

Are your teams running the right experiments?

Ensure that your CRO & testing practitioners align their efforts with clear trackable objectives.

Demonstrate how Experimentation is helping the C-level make better decisions with a clear connection of research, ideas and experiments to the company goals

experimentation objectives

Built For CRO & Experimentation Specialists

Seamless Documentation Of Your Research & Experiments

From Research Insights to Idea backlogs to Experiment Plans. Document, track and report on your program as it happens in the real world.

With Effective Experiments, complete research, ideation and testing workflows and automations are ready out of the box, so you can focus on ideation and experiments instead of wasting time building and managing another tool.

experimentation lifecycle

Built For The Entire Organization

Never Lose Track Of Your Tests & Insights

You better decisions when you have easy access to insights and experiments.

The Insights Engine helps you find information in seconds from your repository of research, ideas and experiments.

Build your institutional knowledge and help anyone find the insights they’re looking for.

Find experiments or insights based on any criteria

Brainstorm better ideas with full knowledge of historical learnings

Allow teams and stakeholders to self serve and find insights themselves

Replaces these tools


Why the world’s largest enterprises choose Effective Experiments

We started using Effective Experiments at Cisco to provide a more effective way to log, share and manage testing and personalisation activity globally, which was previously done in siloes across different regions. The platform has allowed us to improve our workflow process, save time through avoiding duplicate testing across regions, and collaborate better with our colleagues running testing activity across the globe.

Sandip Amlani
CISCOSandip Amlani, EMEAR Digital Lead

Why the world’s largest enterprises choose Effective Experiments

The team at Effective Experiments have helped us customise our views to align with our processes and create templates within the solution that work for our Optimisation Programme. We have significantly improved stakeholder feedback and engagement by enabling them to view the details of our Optimisation Programmes at a glance in Effective Experiments.

Sarah Coll
SageSarah Coll, Global Senior Manager, Digital Experience