Leadership Expectations vs. Product Team Reality: The Product-Process Gap

McKinsey’s Product Operating Model Index recently found that the biggest gap in capabilities between the top and bottom-performing companies is in their product management practices, cross-team collaboration, and backlog prioritization. This is what I call the Product-Process Gap (PPG). It’s the gap between a company's potential or desired use of product management practices, approaches, and frameworks with reality
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Forget AI, Focus on this in 2024 to grow experimentation

Towards the end of 2023, Kameleoon, an A/B testing software vendor published an article on their blog with interviews of CROs and experimentation leaders in the industry asking them what trends to expect in 2024. Everyone interviewed made bold predictions but here's why we believe they could be wrong and what experimentation teams must focus on.
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Anatomy Of An Experiment Insight

Your experiment learnings and insights are the most powerful part of the experimentation process. If not handled correctly or overlooked, it can nullify all the work you have put in to running the experiment. The default state for a lot of experimentation teams is to lead with the actual experiment…
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Rethinking Experimentation Documentation : Beyond Data Entry

If your organization is running an experimentation program, you must track your ideas and experiments. It should be a no brainer. This is company IP. They’ve invested in experimentation and they own the output. It shocks me to hear that even now (at the time of writing this in 2023),…
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Experimentation Program Metrics

An experimentation program is more than just running tests and there are lots of different moving parts including the people involved that you need to watch out for. When running your experimentation program properly, you need to keep a close eye on the metrics that can help you determine if your program is healthy or not.
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Five Important Experimentation Documentation Practices Of Successful Experimentation teams

There are clear indicators of successful experimentation programs. The biggest of these is how an organization manages the documentation aspect of their experimentation program. Experimentation documentation cannot be an afterthought. There must be a clear strategy and plan behind it to ensure it is valid and useful to the organization. A spreadsheet is not a strategy. Neither is hooking up random project management tools together with APIs in your spare time. What will separate a lot of organizations running mediocre and poor experimentation programs from those that do it well is how they view and structure documentation as part of their experimentation process.
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