How to Get Everyone on the Same Page with Conversion Optimization

Conversion Optimization is a team sport. The longer it takes for you to get everyone in your company living and breathing experimentation, the harder your role becomes. In this blog post, we offer practical strategies on working with everyone in your organisation
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How UX Research Fuels More Successful Optimizations

There’s more to meaningful test results than running incessant A / B tests. Success in conversion rate optimization requires efficient test management via a streamlined process for hypothesis development.  Understanding your user is paramount to identifying the user’s friction points that fuel idea and hypothesis generation.
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Building an all new A/B testing tool?

Since the earliest days of Effective Experiments, way back in early 2014, we have constantly been asked this question by customers and companies interested in our platform. "Will you ever create an A/B testing tool within Effective Experiments" Today, I want to give you some news about this and I can firmly and definitely say
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Product Review : Wasabi – An Open Source A/B Testing Framework

Despite the fact that A/B testing has become a standard method in market research, there are only a few open source platforms that offer these functionalities. However, in 2016, software company Intuit announced they were open sourcing their real-time, enterprise-grade A/B Testing platform named Wasabi.
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Must know rules for team productivity

productivity isn’t something you achieve. It’s an ongoing process that improves your output over time. There are always ways to optimize your work to get more done. Investing early in productivity techniques compounds your overall production.
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Five ways to screw up your A/B testing efforts

A/B testing and Conversion Optimisation are often hailed as a silver bullet to your website's conversion woes. It's often too easy to get carried away with the hype that you end up making mistakes that will cost your business (or your client's business) dearly. Bare in mind that Optimisation when done right can have an amazing impact on your revenue and profits. But use it wrongly and you will more than likely make a wrong decision based on the "signals" you get from the results.
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