Do you trust your experimentation process & data to make product decisions?

Effective Experiments helps you formalize best practices and enforce governance so you can be confident in your biggest product bets. 


Poor feature experimentation processes + lack of guardrails = poor decisions

Experimentation is the gold standard for product leaders when making decisions. But can you really rely on the data?

It all depends on the quality of an experiment, the strength of the hypothesis, the research used to inform it, and how reliably it was analyzed.

But, most companies have no way of knowing if best practices were followed, if prioritization was based on business goals, or if data was cherrypicked.

Unreliable product experimentation causes;

The wrong ideas to get tested and built. These fail to deliver value to the business or customer.

A lack of stakeholder trust in product decisions makes getting buy-in and consensus on product strategy harder.

Unaligned product teams, each following a different process, make cross-team collaboration and efficient product sprints hard.

Bad decision-making based on faulty data.

Why Choose Effective Experiments?

Automated checks and balances throughout the experimentation process that can’t be fudged.

At a glance, test health scores help you gauge experiment quality and trustworthiness of results.

Fully customizable best practice process templates with inbuilt governance & guardrails.

Transparent results & insights. An easy-to-search database to store your Voice of Customer research & product learnings collated centrally across your product organization.

Accessible test results and reports for all stakeholders with a single click.

Time-saving automations with auto-built reports, dashboards, and experimentation roadmaps.

Integrates with A/B testing platforms and project management tools.

Strategic Support

We help you customisable the out of the box templates with your own workflows & processes

Onboarding & Setup

Full support in getting your team onboarded and ready to go

Ongoing ProductOps Support

Our 10+ years of experience will help you set up your program right, onboard team members, scale testing and wow stakeholders.


Why the world’s largest enterprises choose Effective Experiments

We started using Effective Experiments at Cisco to provide a more effective way to log, share and manage testing and personalisation activity globally, which was previously done in siloes across different regions. The platform has allowed us to improve our workflow process, save time through avoiding duplicate testing across regions, and collaborate better with our colleagues running testing activity across the globe.

Sandip Amlani
CISCOSandip Amlani, EMEAR Digital Lead

Why the world’s largest enterprises choose Effective Experiments

The team at Effective Experiments have helped us customise our views to align with our processes and create templates within the solution that work for our Optimisation Programme. We have significantly improved stakeholder feedback and engagement by enabling them to view the details of our Optimisation Programmes at a glance in Effective Experiments.

Sarah Coll
SageSarah Coll, Global Senior Manager, Digital Experience