Seamlessly Integrate & Sync with Optimizely

Effective Experiments native integration doesn’t require any additional effort other than adding your API key. It is pre-built and mapped to all the fields in Optimizely so you could be up and running within minutes.

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Start saving time and scale your Experimentation Program

Reduce Errors & Save Time With Our Robust Optimizely Integration

Sync Experiment Data

Automatically Pull Experiment Results

Share Experiments With The Wider Organization Without Having To Give Them Access To Optimizely

Join other exciting companies growing their Experimentation Programs with us


Why the world’s largest enterprises choose Effective Experiments

We started using Effective Experiments at Cisco to provide a more effective way to log, share and manage testing and personalisation activity globally, which was previously done in siloes across different regions. The platform has allowed us to improve our workflow process, save time through avoiding duplicate testing across regions, and collaborate better with our colleagues running testing activity across the globe.

Sandip Amlani
CISCOSandip Amlani, EMEAR Digital Lead

Why the world’s largest enterprises choose Effective Experiments

The team at Effective Experiments have helped us customise our views to align with our processes and create templates within the solution that work for our Optimisation Programme. We have significantly improved stakeholder feedback and engagement by enabling them to view the details of our Optimisation Programmes at a glance in Effective Experiments.

Sarah Coll
SageSarah Coll, Global Senior Manager, Digital Experience